Albert Wilson Sasmita


Siapakah Albert ???
Papa, Mama, Koko
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Papa, Mama, Koko

Pada halaman ini ada Papa, Mama, Koko, dan keluarga2 yang lain.

6 Okt 2001



Here I might describe my Mom, including such information as where and when she was born and where she went to school. I'll also write about where she works and some of her interests.

Di Foresta Tretes

Foto2 lain

Wah kalo foto2 nya dikumpulkan disini pasti banyyyyyyyyaaaak

Eiii lagi repot, jangan ganggu ya !!

Papa Willy & Mama Shierly,


Here I might describe my Dad, including such information as where and when he was born and where he went to school. I'll also write about where he works and some of his interests.

Di Villa Sendang, Tulungagung

Other Relatives

Here I might talk about other people in my family, or include a picture of all of us together at some special event.